Getting started in the outdoor world can be difficult. In this blog I will give you some tools to get you started for your great adventure. We will explore the beginning steps for hiking, camping, fishing, and some valuable information that may help you along the way. So take a few minutes to look over these reviews and possibly discover a new calling.
- Shoes
Picking a shoe to wear on the trail will be easy, I'll just wear the shoes I mow the lawn with. NO!!! Those shoes probably already have 600 miles on them. You need shoes that are going to help you throughout the whole day. If you wear bad shoes you can end up with sore or injured ankles, knees, and hips. What I would recommend for starters are the Merrell Men's Moab 2 Vent Hiking Shoe. The reason I recommend this shoe is because it a fair price for the quality that you are getting once you have this shoe. Over 21,000 people have given this shoe a 5 star review on Amazon, with people saying it has been the best shoe that they have owned. They are breathable, lightweight, and have a protective toe cap; all things that are important when going on a hike.
- Pants
If you don't have light weight pants that are durable, freely moving, or nylon/spandex/elastic then you will need to have them. They will protect you from the harsh environment while keeping you comfortable. I recommend NOUKOW Men's Outdoor Hiking Pants for those that want to stay away from scratches, bugs, and protection from the sun. I use nylon pants when I am outside hiking, working, fishing, hunting and can say they have been a game changer when it comes to being around the elements. These are affordable pants that are going to last you a long time and once you see their capabilities you are going to want another pair.
- Backpack
Depending on your hike backpacks can be the most essential tool that you would have. For starters I would recommend first hiking for half a day or full day, before you take on an overnight trip. What materials will you need for the hike? You will need to bring water, food, hammock if you want to rest, and recreational items like a camera/books/cards. The FENGDONG 40L Waterproof Lightweight Hiking,Camping,Travel Backpack for Men Women is a great fit for people starting their hiking journey and is capable of many great things. It is only 1.9 pounds, has many storage pockets, and a very important feature is that it is water resistant.
- Tent
When camping the most essential item of course is your tent. Because you are a beginner I don't want you to go all out and get a $100 plus tent, instead get MOON LENCE Camping Tent. This is an easy to setp-up tent that is great for beginners to understand the ropes when it comes to camping. The reason I like this one compared to some other starter tents is because this one comes with a rain cover over the tent. It is very important to have a rain cover over your tent because you don't want all your gear to be all wet in the morning if it rains.
- Fire starter
One of the main events of going camping is being able to enjoy a nice warm fire. If you have ever started a fire before you know how difficult it is. that is why you need to bring some fire starter to help you. The top products that have worked for me are Natural Fire Starter Cubes with a burn time of 8-10 min. FireStarters Squares are good because you can break off the squares and use however many you want. Finally, Natural Fire Starters can be of great use because they are light weight and spark up a good flame.
- First-aid
Something that doesn't seem essential when planning for you camp out until you run into a problem is a first aid kit. There can be many problems that occur when you are outside, so be prepared in case of an emergency. This tool can be easily looked over because you wont use it every trip, but when you need you'll have it. It is a cheap safety precaution that can save your trip.
- Fishing license
Getting started in fishing can also seem very challenging because you might not know where to start. Well once you get a fishing license (here), in your state. You then can go fishing at any public pond, lake, or river in your state. Just make sure to follow the fishing laws in your area. These laws can change depending on what park you are at.
- Fishing pole and tackle
Picking out a pole and what tackle you need can also be difficult when you don't know very much about the sport. Getting a good setup that doesn't cost over $50 is hard to come by, but the Zebco 404 Spincast Reel from Amazon is a great deal and has fantastic reviews. This package comes with 8 soft plastics, 5 jig heads, 6 hooks, 4 swivels, and two bobbers. Zebco is a trustworthy company in the fishing industry and almost everyones first fishing pole when they were a kid was a Zebco.
- Tackle box
Now that you got a pole and some gear you need a tackle box that will store your stuff and get you some more lures. The GOANDO Fishing Lures Kit is a great step into diversifying your arsenal. This is a big box with many different lures in here that you will have to learn to use, I would watch youtube videos on each lure to make sure you are using it to its best potential. Now get out there and start small that way you get some success, Your target fish should be bluegills, crappie, trout, and catfish. These are some of the easier fish to catch.
Information that may help you
- All trails - for hikers, bikers, runners
All trails is an app that shows you the trails in your area. They will let you know how easy the trail is to hike, how many miles the hike is, and an estimated time for how long the trail might take. Many people utilize this map to scout out their next hike by looking into the reviews of others experiences. This allows you to get into the trail community and can open you into discovering a new hobby.
- Bushcraft survival book
Learning new skills is fun, but learning new skills that could one day save your life is a thrill. With Bushcraft 101: A Field Guide to the Art of Wilderness Survival you will learn some very exciting skills like starting a fire, building a shelter, how to use an axe, and how to identify plants. This is a great way to learn about your surroundings and something that is interactive while you are at the campsite.
- Beginners fishing book
I recommend learning as much as you can about the basics because once you know that every step you take from there will be that much easier. The Basic Fishing: A Beginner's Guide is the perfect start to understanding the fishing world. They will show you how to catch fish, how to select a lure, and how to cook a fish.
Thank you very much for reading through this post. Some of my best life experiences have come from the outdoors and I would love for others to experience them. The Outdoors will create memories that will last a life time, all you have to do is take the first step into creating them. I will continue posting content like this and ideas from others along the way. Please let me know what you think and how I can help out your adventure.
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